College Election

Either nominations or elections to the following positions of the Students' Union and other Societies of the College are going on every year. Election to the other societies of +3 Association shall be conducted along with the election to the Students' Union and the Oath taking ceremony are organised together.

Students' Union (For +3 Students) :

1. President, Students' Union.

2. Vice-President, Students' Union.

3. General Secretary, Students' Union.

4. Asst. Secretary, Students' Union.

5. Secretary, Girls' Common Room (for Girl students only)

6. Secretary, Boys' Common Room (for Boy students only)

7. Class Representatives from each class of +3 stream. (not from Section).

Other Societies (For +3 Students) :

1. Secretary, Dramatic Society.

2. Asst. Secretary, Dramatic Societies.

3. Secretary, Athletic Club.

4. Asst. Secretary, Athletic Club.

5. Secretary, D.S.A.

6. Asst. Secretary, D.S.A.

7. Secretary, S.S.G.

8. Asst. Secretary, S.S.G.

9. Secretary, Science Society (only for +3 Science)


(a) (i) The Annual Election shall be held for different offices of the College Union and other Societies on such date as the Government declares each year, provided that the normal condition prevails in the College and written directives is given to the Adviser in this regard to hold the said election(s). The College election is conducted as per the Lingdo Commission regulations and other amendments made from time to time.
(ii) If it is felt that untoward situation is prevailing in the College the election to the College Union can be suspended at any time before the election by the Principal. And if necessary, in the absence of an elected Executive Body of the College Union, the Principal may nominate members from among the students of the Executive Body in the manner to be specified by him.

(b) Nomination for such election duly proposed and seconded shall reach the Principal in writing, seven days before the date of election.

(c) The nomination after proper scrutiny by the Principal or his nominee shall be published four days before the date of election and withdrawal may be made in writing within 24 hours of the valid nomination.

(d) A member can seek election for one office only.

(e) No student can propose nor second more than one candidate competing for the same office.

(f) No member shall give more than one vote for each office to be filled.

(g) Election shall be conducted, value of votes shall be recorded and procedure maintained in a manner as determined by the Principal.

(h) The candidate obtaining .maximum number of votes shall be declared elected.

(i) In the case of an equal number of votes between any two or among more candidates the election of the successful candidate shall be determined by lot.

(j) The Principal shall be final authority in all matters in connection with the election of all offices.

(k) For holding any election at least a ten days notice shall be given by the Principal before the election.

(l) Any complaint regarding the election shall be entertained within 24 hours after the publication of election results.

(m) No recounting is to be entertained for any office unless the difference in number of votes polled by the declared successful candidates and the aggrieved one is more than six.

(n) In all matters including election disputes of other irregularities an appeal shall be made to the Principal and his decisions given at his own convenience shall be final and binding.

(o) Minor changes in the Election rule may be made by the Advisory Board in consultation with the Principal and Election Committee for smooth conduct of Election.