Day Scholars' Association

The Cultural association which aims at promoting the spirit of fellowship and fostering co-operation among the non-boarders of the College by taking up all activities like celebrating Puja is called "Day Scholars' Association" or the "Non-Boarders' Association".

1. All day scholars or non-boarders of the College are members of the Association.

2. The function of the of the Day Scholars' Association is to:
(a) Organise Cultural meeting and Annual gatherings.
(b) Organise annual competitions in general knowledge, elocutions, game and music etc. and award prizes to the day-scholars on the basis of competition.
(c) Celebrate Pujas.

3. The affairs of the Association are managed by a Committee consisting of the following :

President: Principal (Ex-officio)
Vice-President- nominated by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff.
Secretary and Asst. Secretary :Either to be nominated by the Principal from among the day scholars of the college.
Class Representative : One from each class among the day scholars either to be elected or nominated by the Principal.

4. The Secretary shall submit the expenditure statement supported by proper vouchers and certificates to the Vice-President within certain period from the last day of the Association's Annual Function. If he fails, there is the possibility of losing his office and the Principal may nominate another member as the Secretary.

5. The secretary shall not incur any expenditure for the Association without the prior sanction of the Vice-President or the President for any item of expenditure.

6. The Secretary with proper approval is to organize all functions of the Association and record the minutes of the Association. The Asst. Secretary has to assist the Secretary and discharge the duties of the Secretary on his absence arid out of post.

7. The funds of the Association shall be under the control of the Principal. All activities of the Association shall be subject to the authority of the Principal and his decision shall be final in all matters relating to the Day Scholars' Association.

8. The members of the staff of the College may attend all the meetings of the Association as visitors.