National Service Scheme (NSS)

The National Service Scheme is a voluntary scheme. Its motto is "Not me but you". The training imparted by N.S.S. unit aims at building the character of the trainees and promoting national consciousness and sense of social responsibility in them. It also inculcates in them a sense of social service. N.S.S. is optional for the students. Those desirous, able-bodied students who want to join N.S.S. will be selected and enrolled in this unit. A total number of 100 students on roll form one N.S.S. unit. Each unit remains under the charge of N.S.S. Programme Officer who is selected from the members of the teaching staff. A student is generally enrolled for three years only. Minimum of 70 % of attendance in the physical work classes and attendance at two camps are compulsory without which there is the possibility of names being struck off from the roll. Materials issued to the members are returned to the N.S.S. office in time. Discipline becomes the main guiding factor in the N.S.S. The Programme Officer is empowered to take disciplinary action against any volunteer. The Principal is the final authority relating to N.S.S.. The volunteers of the N.S.S. do generally participate in two kinds of programmes. These are :

1. Normal (Regular) Camping Programme

2. Special Camping Programme

The normal duty of students enrolled for N:S.S. shall be to undertake the projects assigned to them on Sundays and other holidays. Altogether 25 such days will be utilised and students shall work for 6 hours a day. This will come up to 150 hours for each student during their term. Besides, under Special Camping Programme, the N.S.S. volunteers are required to participate in programme especially during vacation,car festival, Puja holidays and X-mas. This enables the students to enjoy a sense of community life. At the end of the session Certificates are issued to students on the basis of satisfactory performance.


To enroll more number of students in N.S.S , our college has 01no. of Male Unit and 01 No. of Female Unit each having 100 volunteers.These Units are managed by a Programme Officer who are recommended by the Principal of College and appointed by the NSS bureau, MSCB University, Baripada. The names of the POs' are :-

1) Sri Saroj Kumar Behera, (Male Unit)

2) Smt.Jyotsna Rani Dutta ( Female Unit)

Awards :

To ignite the service attitude among volunteers there are awards for them in different levels such as-

(a) University level

(b) State level

(c) National level.

All the volunteers are entitled to apply to receive these awards. Those who will participate in both regular and Special camps and contribute a lot for the betterment of the society through multiferious activities may be selected for such awards.

Weightage :

NSS volunteers participate in different regular and special camping programmes and awarded certificates are entitled to get weightage in admission for higher study.