Lesson Notes & Lesson Plan :

It is the duty of the Head of the Department to see that the lesson plan of the prescribed course is prepared by him/her or by any other teacher of the department and copy of it is submitted to the Principal on the very day of commencement of lectures for any class. The Head of the Department is to sign/counter sign it, which will show that he/she has verified, seen and examined the same. The students must be made acquainted with this plan on the day of commencement of lectures.

Lesson Notes are to be maintained by individual teachers in the prescribed form. They are to be shown to the Principal on every Saturday and as and when required by him. They may be inspected by the Director, Higher Education / Regional Director of education, Balasore / NAAC peer team members or any other inspecting authority during their visit.

Departmental Progress Registers :

The Departmental Progress registers are to be maintained in the prescribed manner. They are to be submitted to the Principal on the last working day of every month. They can also be produced as and when desired by the Principal. The Heads of Departments are the custodians of these registers and they are personally responsible for this.

Completion of Courses :

Reports are to be sent once in September and another in January regarding this to the Director, Higher Education. Heads of the Departments are to see that courses for different classes are to be covered in due time.

Proctorial System :

Proctorial System has been introduced in the college for developing intimate relationship between the students and teachers for timely guidance and advice in academic and other matters. Under this system a proctor, who is a member of teaching staff of the college, remains in charge of a batch of students. The students meet the proctor on dates and at place previously fixed and put forth their difficulties for advice. Moreover, information regarding the academic performance, attendance in classes and other matters in respect of every student is sent to the guardians.

Guidelines for Proctors :

a. Every teacher is expected to acquaint himself/herself with the students who are placed in his/her Proctorial group right from the beginning of the session.

b. The steps taken by the proctor to correct delinquent students those failing short of attendance avoiding or for bad performance in the examination. Creating disturbance in the College Campus or in the College Hostel must be reported in details along with their roll Nos and the number of times he/she found guilty which has been intemated to the parents / guardians for disciplinary action.

c. Dates of meeting and the steps taken to correct the student must be noted on the proctorial form by each proctor.

d. Each warning for bad performance in examination or irregularity in attendance must be recorded on the body of the proctorial form with dates along with the signature of the student.

e. Dates on which letters were dispatched to parents and guardians must be recorded on the body of the proctorial form also with number of such letters.

Guidelines for office assistant in-charge of proctorial system

i . Printed form must be available by 1st week of July.

ii. Proctorial form of the students of 1st and 3rd year classes are to be sent to the proctors in the date of resumption of their classes.

iii. Proctorial forms of the Final Year students are to reach their respective proctors within a week after the re-opening of the college.

iv. After receiving report from the proctor regarding any erring students which needs immediate attention of the parents or guardians the office assistance is to issue letter and dispatch the same with the signature of the Principal. The number of the letters and date of issue are to be communicated to the concerned proctor immediately for his/her record.